Nano Eye Lift: Patent for Cosmetics

Application of nanofibers in cosmetics for fast wrinkle reduction. Patent was successfully sold to czech company NAFIGATE Cosmetics.
Nafigate Cosmetics

A Unique Method of Wrinkle Stretching

We produce our nanofiber mask on a Czech device called Nano-spider.

The effects of nanofibers make the dream of beautiful skin come true. And all without pain and surgical treatment. We sold patent for production of cosmetics in 2015 and we are consluting its development until now.

Nanofiber membranes have a large specific surface and thanks to
that, their function transcend standard woven and non-woven textile.

A nanofiber membrane helps moisturize skin and leaves the upper skin layer (epidermis) softer and more flexible.

The effect is also multiplied by mechanical force. As the nanofiber membrane shrivels the skin begins to stretch and (partially or completely) smoothout.

Interesting Facts

The first manufacturing technology that enabled the production of nanofibers appeared on the market in the 1980’s.
However, the major part still functions in laboratory conditions. A frequently used method of production is electrostatic spinning.

Nanofibers are so small and light that an amount slightly above one gram would wrap the earth around the equator.